Woman In Coma For 5 Years Wakes Up In Laughter At Mom’s Joke

As they say, a mother’s love has no bounds, and this one mother has undoubtedly had those limits tested.

Meet Jennifer

Jennifer Flewellen is a 35-year-old loving mom to her 3 sons.

Unfateful Day

On September 25, 2017, she dropped off her kids at school, and then on her way home, she began feeling lightheaded.

Life-Changing Tragedy

Then she took a sharp turn off the road and hit a post with her car. She was taken to the hospital right away but she was already in a life-threatening situation.

Hope Lives

She was placed on life support and in a medically induced coma, but her mother, Peggy Means, didn’t give up hope despite the doctors telling her that her daughter would just get worse as she lay in a vegetative state.

5 Long Years

Peggy refused to accept that it was the only outcome for her daughter. She transferred Jennifer from one long-term care facility to another so she could make sure she was getting the best care.

Best Mom And Grandma

When her company allowed her to work from home, she started visiting her daughter six days a week and visited her grandchildren to check on them and their needs every Sunday.

A Breakthrough

One day, Peggy was walking Jennifer when she cracked a joke. Then, she was surprised when she saw her daughter laugh. Eventually, Jennifer could already answer her questions non-verbally but correctly.

Road To Recovery

After five years of sleeping, Jennifer was finally awake. Peggy got her into the rehabilitation programs she needed until she was already able to come to her son’s games.

Triumphant Moment

Jennifer’s son, Julian, couldn’t believe the miracle. He said, “About a year ago, I had it in my mind that she was going to come to my game, she was going to come to my senior year, senior night, and things like that. I’ve talked about it for a while, and I dreamed of it and prayed for it, and it happened.”

Watch how Jennifer beat the odds after recovering from a 5-year coma in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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