Clingy Stray Cat Wants To Be Adopted By Woman And Her Dog

Cats and dogs aren’t really mortal enemies. In fact, there have been lots of stories about cats and dogs being the best of friends… like this one.

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A dog owner named Jeniffer shared about a stray cat who had been waiting for her and her dog named Mila every morning to go jogging. The cat loved walking closely to Mila and she would often rub against her to get her attention, and since then, she’d been part of Jeniffer and Mila’s daily walks. The cat did this every single day as if she was trying to ask Jennifer to finally adopt her, which would make their arrangement easier for the three of them.

Cold Nights

The cat loved hanging out on Jennifer’s porch, and when the days turned colder, Jeniffer decided to let her in, and that’s when it all started to get official.

Meet Mika

Jennifer named the cat Mika, who, at first, was having a hard time adjusting to living indoors as she was probably used to staying outdoors.


Eventually, when Mika finally adjusted to her new indoor life, her fondness and clinginess toward Mila came back, and they’ve been inseparable since.

She Loves Her Too

At first, Mila was confused and seemingly uncomfortable whenever Mika would lick her as a sign of affection, but eventually, Jennifer noticed her grooming the cat back.

A New Perspective

Mika also made an impact on Jennifer. She said, “I was definitely not a cat person. I never ever wanted a cat. Next thing you know I’m a cat lady now and I think she’s so adorable. She helped me change my mind about cats. She found us and she decided she’s going to make herself ours and it worked.”

Watch how Mika got adopted by Jennifer and Mila in the video below.

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