Chubby Kitty Welcomes Customers Into The Store

Rumble, cdngreenwaterdiver

Sometimes all you need is a greeting from a cute kitty to brighten your day.

Furry Snob


Unlike dogs who are super clingy to their owners, cats are known for being independent and snobbish.

A Unique Cat

Rumble, cdngreenwaterdiver

This adorable kitty is not like any other cat for she’s uniquely friendly and welcoming.

The Wild Bird Store


Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Centre in Langley, British Columbia welcomes all kinds of animals that need rescuing.

A Rescue Cat


Kitty was rescued by the Wild Bird store when she was still badly overweight and unable to even walk without assistance.

Getting Into Shape


Within weeks of being in the store, she has already lost one pound by exercising and having a healthy diet.

A Cute Usher

Rumble, cdngreenwaterdiver

Every customer will surely enter the store with huge smiles because of this cute waddling kitty that greets everyone.

Her Best Friend

Rumble, cdngreenwaterdiver

On her way to greet her visiting friend, Brent, she scratches the floor and waddles her way to her best friend who then showers her with a lot of love.

Continuous Transformation


Brent said, “I can hardly wait to see her transformation over the next few months”.

Watch how cute little Kitty greets her friend, Brent in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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