Injured Chipmunk Is Found Resting In A Drawer

YouTube, ChooChoo's Story

Every animal, no matter how big or small they are, deserves to receive love.

Little Furries


Chipmunks are cute little rodents who are also called “chip squirrels” because of the sound they produce.

Their Diet


These little cuties are omnivores, meaning they eat seeds, nuts, and other fruits, but they also consume fungi, insects, small frogs, worms, and bird eggs.

A Surprise Visitor

YouTube, ChooChoo's Story

One day, a Korean family found a little chipmunk resting in their drawer. They called her “Chucky”.

The little chipmunk was uneasy, so they checked her for any physical wounds, but there weren’t any. However, based on their conservation, they think that Chucky might have had a head injury that affected her movement.

They Tried Feeding Her

YouTube, ChooChoo's Story

They fed her some nuts and mealworms to help her gain energy but she wasn’t that interested in eating. Instead, she was trying to look for a way out.

She Needs To Rest

YouTube, ChooChoo's Story

Chucky ran around the house for days, looking for the exit, but they couldn’t let her go back outside in her current condition so they decided to keep her with them for a while until she was strong enough to go on her own.

She’s Free


Eventually, Chucky regained some energy, and she wasn’t limping as much as she had been, so they finally let her go.

She Came Back

YouTube, ChooChoo's Story

Some weeks later, Chucky came back, and this time, she was more enthusiastic to eat the food in the bowl. The family thinks that the little chipmunk has found a home right around their house so they expect to see more of her in the coming days.

Watch Chucky’s recovery journey in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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