Playful Chihuahua Annoys Bulldog

YouTube, Rumble Viral

Dogs, no matter what their breed is, have innate tendencies to be extremely playful and naughty especially when they are still puppies.

Love And Hate Relationship


If you have a sibling, you probably know how it feels to love someone by default because they’re your family but be annoyed at them at the same time because of their quirks and antics you’re not always in the mood for.

He’s Got A Sibling

YouTube, Rumble Viral

This bulldog did not expect that having another dog in the house can be this stressful, especially if the newcomer is an extremely playful chihuahua.

He Wants To Play


Chihuahuas have a reputation for having a feisty and outgoing personality, especially during their younger years, and this chihuahua in the video meets those exact expectations.

He Persevered

YouTube, Rumble Viral

The chihuahua pesters the bulldog who’s just trying to nap on the floor. It’s probably a bad decision for him to choose a sleeping spot where a tiny dog can easily reach his tail to bite and play with.

Trying To Be Calm

YouTube, Rumble Viral

As if he’s trying to take into consideration that the chihuahua is still young, which is the main reason for his energy, the bulldog tries to be calm and patient even if the tiny dog is climbing his face.

He Tries To Hold Him Off

YouTube, Rumble Viral

Although there are also times when the bulldog tries to keep the chihuahua still by gently biting his foot so he won’t climb further on his head, it’s not that effective to make the tiny dog stay still.

No Energy For This

YouTube, Rumble Viral

The poor bulldog knows that there’s nothing he can do to stop the playful chihuahua so he just decides to lay there and let his little friend enjoy tugging and pestering him.

It’s How He Is


This is proof that although bulldogs are originally bred for bull baiting, they can both be dependable watchdogs and wonderful family pets like this one in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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