Police Chief Comforts Little Girl After An Alarming Situation

National Institute of Justice; Facebook, Sam Juarez

Our uniformed men don’t usually get the credit they deserve because of some issues that are entwined to a few of them, but we cannot deny that there are still a lot of police officers who are willing to go the extra mile to fulfill their job.

Speeding And Distracted Driving


One Tuesday, the Morrow, Georgia, Police Department pulled a driver over for speeding and distracted driving.

An Argument


The man started arguing with the officer who had stopped him while a woman and her daughter were also in the car with him.

Other Police Officers Arrived


Other officers arrived and they spotted the little girl who witnessed the commotion as her mother’s boyfriend, the man who was being arrested, made a scene and was then arrested.

Terrified Little Girl


Interim Police Chief David Snively saw the little girl, who was scared and shocked and decided to step in to console her.

Chief Snively’s Story


Someone sent Chief Snively’s photo to the police department, and they made a Facebook post about the act of kindness he’d shown saying, “Interactions like this happen every day, at every level of our department; and we’re proud that a community member thought to take this picture and share it with us!”

An Act Of Humility

Facebook, Sam Juarez

“He knelt and comforted her, answering her questions and explaining what was happening — all without knowing this photo was being taken,” the police department said on the Facebook post.

Right Place At The Right Time

National Institute of Justice

Interim Police Chief David Snively reacted to the story about him through a LinkedIn post saying, “Today was a hard day, but late this afternoon I was right where I needed to be.”

Kindness Costs Nothing


Stories like this about our uniformed men inspire us to become kinder when dealing with people. Chief Snively’s empathetic gestures toward the little girl are proof that no matter where we stand in life, nothing should stop us from sharing kindness with others.

Watch Chief Snively’s inspiring story while he’s on duty in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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