Brave Man Lies Down To Take A Sweet Nap With Cheetah

YouTube Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

This is one sweet moment of cuddling in the middle of the day.

The Savanna Biome


Here in a tropical grassland with warm temperatures is where some of the wildest and most vicious animals live.

The Fastest Land Animal


Cheetahs are known as hunters in the wild, but little do we know that they can also be affectionate at times.

Dolph And Eden’s Friendship

YouTube Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

Dolph C. Volker is one of the volunteers at the Cheetah Experience in South Africa and he’s established a special friendship with Eden, one of the cheetahs in the sanctuary.

Eden, The Therapy Animal


Although Eden is not officially part of the sanctuary’s breeding program, she has an important role in accompanying Faith, a handicapped Cheetah.

A Clingy Cat

YouTube Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

Eden likes to nibble on her human friend, but it’s not Dolph’s favorite because the cheetah’s tongue is not really something you want near your skin.

But He Enjoys Napping With Her

YouTube Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

After what seems to be some warming up, Eden makes her way to lie down beside Dolph and it does not take long before she starts snoring.

“He’s A Legend”

YouTube Comments Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

People on the internet are amazed by Dolph’s social skills with animals.

A Species To Love

“I’ve fallen in love with them. It’s an incredible species that truly deserves help, support, and protection,” Dolph says.

YouTube Screenshot, Dolph C. Volker

Watch how a cheetah’s soft side looks like in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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