Cheerleader Who Lost Both Her Legs In A Car Crash Receives Heartwarming Support From Family And Friends

YouTube, FOX 13 News Utah; Instagram, _sarahfrei_

Accidents can happen to anyone, and it is important to always keep a sound mind during emergency situations.

Meet Sarah

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Sarah Frei is a 17-year-old cheerleader who got into an unfortunate accident after a great day with her friends.

A Day Out

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She and her friends went to Bear Lake one day, and they were on their way home when things started to become unpleasant.

A Drunk Driver


The vehicle Sarah and her friends were in was hit by a drunk driver, and Sarah was the one who got the worst impact among her friends.

Her Condition


When help arrived, they found out that Sarah had internal bleeding, a damaged aorta, spinal fractures, and some other fractures on her face and limbs.

What Had To Be Done

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Sarah was paralyzed from the waist down and the doctors figured that both her legs needed to be amputated above the knee.

Recovering From The Accident

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The teenager spent two months recovering in the hospital. During that period of time, she relearned how to do simple tasks, without her two legs this time.

Coming Home


Eventually, she was able to come home, and to her surprise, a welcome home parade – organized by her family and friends – was waiting for her.

Still A Cheerleader

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Although there are some things she won’t be able to do now without her legs, she was still able to join her fellow cheerleaders on the field during the last football game of the season.

Teenage Life

Instagram, _sarahfrei_

Unfortunately, Sarah missed her senior year homecoming dance but some friends and schoolmates brought the dance to her by visiting the hospital and holding up signs outside that read, “We love you, Sarah.”

Watch how Sarah was able to rise above her situation after a life-changing accident in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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