Puppy With Cerebral Palsy Finds A Loving Home After Nearly Being Put Down

It’s sad to think that there are owners who give up on their pets. It’s a good thing there are people who are willing to take in animals with special cases and needs.

Meet Rocky

Rocky is a young puppy who was adopted by a family who didn’t know he had a condition in the brain.

Sad Decision

Sadly, the family weren’t prepared to handle Rocky’s health issue so they decided to euthanize him.

Doc Objected

However, the veterinarian refused to put Rocky down and tried to find help for him instead.

They Took Care Of Him

Rocky is unable to walk, but his bones are perfectly normal. The local vet clinic wasn’t able to explain his condition so he was transferred to a city vet clinic where the vets worked to stabilize his condition until his health improved.

His Condition

They had Rocky go through an MRI, which revealed that he has cerebral palsy. This is the reason why he has no control over his body.

He Wants To Live

The vets gave Rocky medicine for his congenital problems for one month until he was cleared to go home.

A New Home

Rocky adjusted to his new life in his new home. He’s been trying to walk around, and his new owner was always by his side, giving him the love and support that he needs.

They Love Him

Now that Rocky has found a home with a family who loves him, you can see in his eyes that he’s now full of life and love.

Watch how Rocky got a second chance in life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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