Shop Owner Gets New Customer When Stray Cat Tries To Buy Fish With A Leaf

In a world where business dealings are frequently impersonal, a cat with a leaf was able to impart kindness, appreciation, and the value of unforeseen connections.

Meet Joe

Joe is an owner of a fish shop who made an unlikely friendship with one of his frequent “customers”.

Meet Sushi

A curious cat named Sushi started visiting Joe’s shop after seeing that people usually come over there to fetch some fish, and he’d like to have some as well.

He’s Just There

The tabby cat used to sit at the window every day and watch the transactions with great curiosity. He would occasionally try to enter but he usually just got politely escorted out.

His Mode Of Payment

One day, Sushi walked in with a leaf and placed it on the counter as if to make a purchase, which completely surprised Joe, but he came to understand that Sushi had created his own currency by watching people trade money for fish.

Transaction Complete

Joe chose to cooperate with the cat’s efforts out of kindness and Sushi received a piece of fish from him in exchange for accepting the leaf as payment.

Regular Guest

Since then, Sushi has become a regular, bringing Joe a leaf every time for his fish. The two of them developed a closer relationship, and the cat grew to be adored by everyone in the store. He was well-liked by both customers and workers, and he was given a loving nickname based on his favorite dish.

He’s Missing

One day, Sushi didn’t show up for the first time so Joe went in search of him out of concern and discovered the cat, the victim of a hit-and-run, hurt on the side of the road.

He Survived

Joe immediately brought Sushi to the closest veterinarian where he learned that the poor cat suffered internal bleeding and shattered ribs, among other serious wounds. However, Sushi amazingly recovered because of his strong will and the expert treatment provided by the veterinarian staff.

New Pet

After the incident, Sushi and Joe grew closer. The shop owner eventually decided to adopt the tenacious cat when no one else claimed him, giving him a caring home and an unending supply of fish.

Watch how Sushi became a significant part of Joe’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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