Curious Students Watch A Stray Cat Give Birth To Three Kittens In Their Classroom

YouTube, Inside Edition

There are things we cannot learn simply through reading, such as some important life lessons like compassion and kindness.

A Day At School


A group of students in Turkey was having their usual lesson in their classroom when an unexpected guest suddenly came in.

She’s Friendly


A pregnant stray cat entered the classroom in the middle of the lecture, but she didn’t seem bothered by the students and the teacher and just rested comfortably by the window sill.

Something’s Going On


The teacher went on with his lecture but eventually, he noticed that something was up with the stray cat.

She’s Giving Birth

YouTube, Inside Edition

When he took a look at the cat, he realized she was going into labor, so he immediately got a bag and some rags to help her give birth.

Two Plus One


The teacher caught two kittens with his bag and carefully placed them with their mother. However, while he was busy doing so, he didn’t realize there was another one coming out of the mama cat’s womb.

Successful Delivery

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The mama cat started to clean her kittens while the students were watching the whole event through the window.

Part Of The Family

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Since then, the cats have been part of the class. The students and the teacher take care of them and include them in their daily lessons.

A Special Pet


This isn’t an unusual setup in Turkey as they have always had a special relationship with stray cats since the era of the Ottoman Empire as they believe that they protect communities from rats and other pests.

Watch how the students learned an important life lesson about compassion and love in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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