8-Year-Old Boy Saves Dad After A Car Falls On Him

YouTube, East Idaho News

There are moments in life that are too surreal to believe. When these instances happen, there is only one word to explain what they are – a miracle.

Meet J.T.

YouTube, East Idaho News

J.T. Parker saved his father’s life when he was just 8 years old.

Car Stuff


His 17-year-old brother, Mason, and his father, Stephen Parker, were fixing something in their car in the garage at home in Sugar City, Idaho.

Mason Stepped Away


Mason accidentally cut his hand and went inside for first aid while Stephen continued to work on the car.

Unforeseen Accident


While working, Stephen jostled the second axle, causing the Toyota Prius to fall into him, getting him stuck beneath the vehicle.

Asking J.T. For Help


Stephen screamed for J.T. to help him, but he didn’t think the 8-year-old could lift the car off of him. He yelled, “Jack it up quick! Jack it up quick!” until he passed out.

A Miracle

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J.T. knew his father’s life was at stake, so the 50-pound boy kept jumping on the jack handle for 15 minutes as the car slowly lifted off of his father.

Rescue Came

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A medical helicopter came to take Stephen to the hospital. Luckily, all he got from the terrifying incident was 13 broken ribs.

It’s A Miracle!

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J.T.’s mother, Jodi Parker agreed that what happened was a miracle. They even had J.T. try to reenact the scene and once again jack up the vehicle, but he wasn’t able to do so anymore.

Watch how the 8-year-old boy miraculously saved his father from under the fallen vehicle in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Shareably

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