Woman With Cancer Gets Engaged After Her Last Day Of Chemo

YouTube, Good Morning America

True love outlasts anything – even the most frightening illnesses.

Meet Jillian And Max

YouTube, Good Morning America

Jillian Hanson and Max Allegretti are college sweethearts who went through a lot of ups and downs in both their personal and shared lives as a couple.

Jillian’s Condition


Jillian was 25 years old when she learned that she had cancer after a routine check-up.

Letting Go

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She told Max that she would completely understand if he didn’t want to stay with her through her battle. She thought that her journey would be a burden on Max, and she didn’t want to hold him back.

But He Stayed

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Despite her reasoning, Max said that he had no intention of leaving her. He wouldn’t let an illness get in the way of their love, and so he stayed by her side through her battle with cancer – through every doctor’s appointment and chemotherapy.

The Last Hurrah


After more than a year of a series of chemotherapy, Jillian finally had her last round of chemo. She went to the hospital with all of her friends and family, and they planned on having a party afterward.

The Big Suprise

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When Jillian had finished her chemotherapy, Max got down in front of her on one knee, pulled out a diamond ring, and asked her, “Jillian Gail Hanson, will you marry me?”

Her Easiest “Yes”


Jillian almost fell off of the chair in surprise. Of course, she said yes, and to think of what they had been through, it was one of the easiest decisions she had ever had to make.

A New Chapter

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A year and a half later, Jillian was already cancer-free, marrying the love of her life. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding, and they are looking forward to enjoying a long, happy marriage together.

Watch Jillian and Max’s beautiful love story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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