Attentive Seventh-Grader Jumps Into Action When Bus Driver Loses Consciousness

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Adults are in charge of keeping children safe, but sometimes, during emergencies, it can be a huge help to have a mature and quick-thinking kid around to help an adult in distress.

Meet Dillon

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Dillon Reeves, a seventh-grader from Carter Middle School, was named a hero after he saved many lives on a typical Wednesday.

On The Way Home


The school bus was traveling on Masonic Boulevard near Bunert Road, transporting students home from school when the bus driver became lightheaded and lost consciousness.

Dillon Stepped In

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The students were already panicking as the bus was going out of the direction, and that’s when Dillon heroically stepped in.

He Knew What To Do

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Dillon quickly got up, dropped his backpack, caught the steering wheel, and put the bus to a stop without any incident.

Help Came


The Warren Police and Fire Departments immediately came to the scene and sent the driver to a hospital in an ambulance while the students were transferred onto a different bus to get on their way home.

He’s A Hero


Ireta Marie Reeves, Dillon’s stepmother, was proud of her stepson’s heroic actions, and she owes it all to Jesus for giving Dillon the wisdom in performing a “brave and swift action” in a time of emergency.

Commending Dillon


Superintendent Robert Livernois of the Warren Consolidated Schools district, who serves the Michigan cities of Warren, Sterling Heights and Troy, posted on Facebook about Dillon’s heroic save and said, “The actions of the student who helped stop the bus made all the difference today, and I could not be prouder of his efforts.”

The Councilman Agrees

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Warren Councilman Jonathan Lafferty also went to Facebook and commended young Dillon’s actions and said, “The City of Warren is very proud of our 7th Grade Hero Dillon Reeves! We are very proud of you for your heroic actions!”

Watch how Dillon saved a lot of lives with his quick thinking and bravery in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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