Mysterious Woman Saves Paralyzed Man From Burning Car

Miracles can happen anytime – even in the most helpless and unexpected moment.

Meet Dennis

Dennis Brown, a local from Dallas, Texas, witnessed a movie-like miracle recently when he was out driving.

His Story

He was 22 years old when he got into an encounter with a gunman, and now he is paralyzed from the waist down and moves around in a wheelchair.

Special Car

Recently, Brown was driving a rental car from Enterprise that was equipped with hand controls to accommodate his needs but little did he know that the car was about to give him a hard time that day.

Unfateful Day

He was behind the wheel when suddenly, he looked up and the front end of the rental car was on fire – yep, just like what we see in the movies, and we all know what’s probably going to happen next.

What To Do?

He was helpless. He didn’t know how he would get out, until suddenly, a woman appeared as if out of nowhere and helped him out of his trouble. He said, “The woman who pulled me out of the burning car is a true hero, risking her life to save mine.”

He Goes First

In the middle of the fire, they both knew there was no time to assemble his wheelchair anymore so the woman prioritized what must be put first – Dennis’ safety, so she pulled him out of the burning vehicle in sacrifice of the wheelchair.

Thank You, Stranger

Unfortunately, Dennis wasn’t able to get the woman’s identification, but he would very much like to thank her personally for being his hero. He said, “I’d like to appreciate her for her heroic act. She went into harm’s way to save me. Dragged me out. I’d like to thank her.”

She’s His Angel

Julia, Dennis’ mother, felt the same way toward the mysterious woman. She said, “I almost lost my child in this burning car. I cannot thank her enough. If she had not pulled him out, he would have burned in that car. She was his angel.”

Watch how Dennis miraculously got out of the burning car in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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