Brave Firefighter Joins Woman Dangling From Bridge In Prayer


This story honors the bravery and expertise of firefighters as well as the strength of faith and human connection in the worst of situations.

A Breathtaking Incident

One unfateful day, a Sysco semi-truck got tangled in a 3-vehicle mess and was hanging unsteadily on the edge of the Clark Memorial Bridge.

Someone’s In Danger

One of the stuck vehicles was dangling 100 feet above the Ohio River and inside it was a trapped woman military veteran.

To The Rescue

Firefighter Bryce Carden, a 6-year veteran from Louisville Fire, literally swung into action.

Like An Action Movie

He rappelled from the bridge down to the dangling vehicle in a rescue operation, and it held the breath of everyone watching.

Act Of Faith

While on his rescue mission, Bryce and the woman shared an inspiring moment by saying a prayer together. He said, “She was praying a lot, and I prayed with her.”

Expecting Miracles

This wonderful scene emphasized both a physical and spiritual rescue, where two strangers developed a deep connection and put their trust in a higher power in the face of uncertainty.

All’s Well

Everyone on the scene was astonished with the woman’s ability to maintain composure while her life was in jeopardy. Pent-up emotions from the terrifying event were finally released once she was safely rescued.

He’s A Hero

A family member of the rescued woman expressed their immense gratitude to Bryce. They said, “I want to thank the first responders for saving my family member from the truck today… Especially Bryce Carden. We are so thankful. No words can describe that moment. God is good.”

Watch Bryce’s heart-stopping rescue in the video below.

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