Brave Pittie “Makes The Leap” To Reunite With Best Friend

They had such a strong bond that they found it difficult to imagine ever being apart.

Meet Brenda And Linda

Brenda and Linda are two pit bulls who were rescued by the Minneapolis Animal Care and Control (MACC).

They’re Best Friends

They had been best friends even before they got admitted to the shelter, and they wouldn’t let anyone separate them.

Longing For Each Other

Because they’d become attached to each other, Brenda bravely decided she would join Linda in her kennel.

No Wall Is Too High

Brenda was determined to get over the barriers. She scaled the kennel walls, which fortunately were not high enough to separate her from her closest friend.

Mission Success

Brenda successfully carried out her plan and was able to enter Linda’s kennel without being seen by any staff at the shelter.

A Touching Surprise

The next morning, the shelter staff saw the two dogs in a single kennel. One of the employees, Madison Weissenborn, said, “Me and another employee were walking through the kennels, and we walked by and we had to like triple take, like, what’s going on, because two pitties came to the front of the kennel to greet us, and we were like, ‘What?’”

What Happened?

The staff decided to watch security footage for answers, and they were surprised when they saw what Brenda did to reunite with her best friend. Madison said, “We rewatched the video that we have and I about died. I was, like, ‘This is truly magnificent.’”

Together Forever

The security footage helped Brenda and Linda find their forever home, and the family that adopted them even decided to keep them together so they would never have to be separated again.

Watch how Brenda “made the leap” to be with her best friend again in the video below.

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