Mom Of 2 Kids Donates Time To Braid Other Children’s Hair

YouTube, NewsChannel 5

Most kids carefully choose their outfits for the first day of school, but not everyone has the time to work on other basics like hair care.

Crowning Glory


Our hair is our crowning glory. It’s one of the things that affect other people’s first impressions of us.

Meet Brittany

YouTube, NewsChannel 5

Brittany Starks from Nashville, Tennessee, knows just that. She knows the value of a good hairstyle, so she wanted to help build kids’ confidence by glamming up their hairdo.

A Kind Offer


She posted an offer on Facebook for parents who don’t have time to braid their children’s hair. It said, “Anyone know single parents who can’t afford to get their child’s hair done for school? I will braid it for free! Please DM me.”

The Reason Behind


When asked why she’s doing the charity work, she said, “One of the friends and family gave my kids a book bag full of school supplies, and two outfits, and a pair of shoes, so, I was extremely grateful and I’m like, ‘how can I give back?’ Well, I can braid.”

Overwhelming Number Of Clients

YouTube, NewsChannel 5

Each child takes up to six hours to finish braiding (and up to a $300 value). Later on, she received more interest than she had time. She had over 30 kids she needed help to braid.

Asking For Help


As more parents contacted her, more volunteers reached out as well, offering their own braiding skills to help. Brittany updated her post again, asking if anyone had a space they could use to accommodate all of them.

Getting Funds


A lot of good Samaritans who wanted to help fund her efforts asked her to initiate a GoFundMe to secure supplies and a space for them so that she can continue to offer the service past the start of the school year for families in need.

All She Asks

YouTube, NewsChannel 5

All Brittany asks in return is that the families she helps will also help others when the opportunity comes. She said, “Just being kind. It helps! Like, you never know what someone’s going through.”

Watch how Brittany’s small efforts turned into a movement in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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