Kind Boy Cuts Lawns For Those In Need And Feeds Homeless With The Tips

A twelve-year-old from Chesapeake, Virginia decided to mow 50 lawns over the summer for people in need, and then used all of the tips he received to give even more!

Meet Phoenix Browne

A 12-year-old boy from Chesapeake, Virginia.

Phoenix Took on the “50 Yard Challenge”

A challenge organized by Raising Men Lawn Care Services to promote community care.

And Decided to Mow 50 Lawns


For people in need, like the elderly or disabled.

It Took Him Three Weeks

And a lot of hard work!

He Was Recognized For His Work

With a certificate of recognition from the city. He also received a lawnmower, leaf-blower, and weed-eater from the organization’s founder, Rodney Smith.

Phoenix Received Tips

From grateful residents who appreciated his care.

And Put Them to Good Use!

When Phoenix received tips, he used them for further good by buying pizza for other people in need!

He Would Do It All Over Again

When asked about his task, the generous young man said that he would do it all over again if he could. This incredible story is heartwarming! The hard work and dedication of Phoenix will likely inspire others to follow suit!

Source: Shareably

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