Blind Saxophone Player Uses Unique Teaching Techniques On His Students

In a world where people tend to overlook someone’s talents because of his physical appearance or disability, this incredible man proves anyone can achieve anything as long as you believe in yourself.

Meet Matthew

Matthew Weihmuller is a teacher in Tampa who serves as living proof of the power of determination and how it can change one’s life.

His Condition

He has been blind since birth as he has a condition called “Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA),” an eye disorder that is present from birth.

He’s Intelligent

Despite his visual challenges, Matthew still managed to earn both his undergraduate degree in music (magna cum laude) and Master of Music at Florida State University (FSU).

He’s An Educator

He now teaches music to his students, and alongside that, he also tours with a band that performs original eclectic music, blending elements of funk, jazz, rock, and reggae.

Versatile Musician

Matthew also performs locally with a jazz trio during his free time, and he’s also a composer, utilizing specialized music technology for the blind.

There’s More

Not only that, but he also engages as a speaker. In fact, he had been a guest lecturer at the Peabody Conservatory at John Hopkins University in Baltimore.

His Technique

In his classes, Matthew employs a unique training approach in an inventive way to improve jazz players’ communication and skills. During rehearsals, he turns down the lights to take away the visual component and force his students to use their other senses more.

From Disadvantage To Advantage

Considering everything he’s proven in the field of music, it’s safe to say that Matthew’s blindness has fueled his mastery of other senses, and it’s what he’s always been aiming for. He said, “You have to turn your disadvantage into an advantage. Where there is a will, there is a way.”

Watch Matthew’s inspiring story in the video below.

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