Blind Senior Cow Finds Forever Home Under A Loving Couple’s Care

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

The world is full of loving and big-hearted people, you just have to find your way toward them.

Meet Helen

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Helen is now a 19-year-old cow who was born blind and lived on a dairy farm for most of her life.

15 Years Of Service


She was used for milking and breeding calves on the farm. She gave birth to a total of 14 calves and lived on the farm for 15 years.

She’s Too Old


When she got old, Helen stopped producing milk and was deemed “unprofitable” but the dairy farmer didn’t want to let go of her.

She Stayed


Even after the owner had sold his operations, he told the new owner to keep Helen, but after four years, he found her a new and more comfortable home where she would be given more care.

Her New Owners

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Helen was adopted by Uncle Neil’s Home, an animal sanctuary owned by Rian Feldman and Scooter Belasco.

She’s Adjusting

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Rian and Scooter had a hard time earning Helen’s trust at first, but with the right amount of care, love, patience, and gentleness, Helen got more and more comfortable with her new life with them.

A For Effort


To accommodate her lack of sight, Rian and Scooter customized Helen’s shed. They hung a wind chime by her doorway so she could know when she was close to home. They also placed a solar-powered fountain on her water trough so she could know where she could drink.

Overflowing Love

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Rian and Scooter make sure that Helen feels loved every single day. They take her for a walk every day and talk to her gently. They also brush, hug, massage, and kiss her so she knows she’s in a safe place.

Watch how wonderful Helen’s retirement is with her new owners in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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