Black Leopard Takes His First Steps To Freedom After Being Caged For Years

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It’s sad to think that there are lots of wild animals that are being trapped and treated as pets when they actually need to be in the wild to nurture their natural and survival instincts.

Meet Bono

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Bono is a black leopard that was bred as a pet in Latvia for more than a year. He never knew what it was like to live outside his owner’s apartment.

His Situation

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He was obese when he was rescued. The rescuers also found out that his previous owner had declawed him so they confiscated him from his owner and imposed a fine on him.

Rescuing Bono

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Bono was sent to Riga Zoo before he would be transferred to AAP Primadomus, a non-profit rescue and rehabilitation organization for primates and wild animals in Spain.

A Challenging Trip


Robert from AAP Primadomus led Bono’s transfer. Their 2-day trip was made extra challenging by the snowstorm, but they did everything they could to make Bono as comfortable as they best could.

He Was Quarantined

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Bono was quarantined for a few days so he could gather enough strength to go out of his cage. The rescuers monitored his health to make sure that he had no disease or virus that could be transmitted to the other animals in the sanctuary.

His First Steps

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After a few days, Bono was finally ready to take his first steps toward the outside world.

Slowly But Surely

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The leopard let his one paw out first before completely stepping out of his cage.

Baby Steps


For now, Bono is allowed to walk freely in a controlled environment until he is ready for his full rehabilitation.

Watch Bono’s journey toward freedom in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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