Traumatized Bird Caged For 7 Years Finds Freedom With New Loving Family

Freedom is not something we should be begging for. All of us, including animals, deserve to live a life that’s free from threat and danger.

Meet Paco

Paco is an Amazon parrot who spent 7 years of misery inside a cage.

His Past

Paco’s previous owner gave him up after 7 years due to behavioral issues, and since then, he’d been living at a trader’s place, waiting for someone to adopt him.

A New Life

In 2020, a family who spent a lot of time researching bird care came across Paco at a trader’s place and they decided to bring him home.

Adjustment Period

When they found him, he was visibly stressed and shaking with fear, and when they brought him home, he was afraid of everything.

But They Got By

Eventually, with the right amount of love and patience, Paco learned to trust them and put down his walls.

Days Outdoors

Paco’s new family would often take him outdoors for walks and bike rides and bring him to the forest so he would know how freeing life really is.

“Little Green Brother”

He’s formed a close bond with the whole family, especially with the children, and they now consider him as their “little green brother”.

Life Is Good

Although it’s been quite a long journey already for all of them, Paco’s family looks forward to being with him for 25-65 years or even more.

Watch how Paco’s life turned around after meeting his new family in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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