There is so much emotion in this video of a little girl seeing her baby sister for the first time.
The Waiting Game
Waiting is probably one of the things we all hate doing, but for this little girl, being patient has given her a great reward.
A Complicated Birth
Presley’s newborn sister, Charleigh, was born prematurely and had to stay for 2 weeks in the NICU. The wing where she stayed was closed to visitors because of flu season so they didn’t have the chance to see her yet.
Coming Home From School
Presley and her brother, Reef Brooks, came home to a big surprise one day in October 2018.
Their First Hug And Kiss
Presley’s body surges with excitement once she sees the baby and runs over to greet baby Charleigh with a kiss and hug.
Reef’s Reaction
On the other hand, Reef gave a sweet smile but also scratched the back of his head and stepped back to sink into this new reality.
Composing Her Self
Presley is evidently ready to become a big sister but she first took a moment to really let it all out.
She Holds Baby Charleigh
Her actions changed as Charleigh was placed in her arms. She became calm and collected but still couldn’t help but admire her new baby sister.
Something To Look Back At
It was a beautifully captured moment mom can show to them in the future.
Watch Presley’s precious reaction when she sees her baby sister for the first time in the video below.
Watch Video Here: