Highest Bidder Gives Teenager His Late Dad’s Car Back

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

There are things in our lives that we can’t imagine letting go of because of their sentimental value and this guy was about to accept that he had to let go of his dad’s car when things started going unexpectedly.

Meet Tanner

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Tanner Brownlee was only a teenager when he lost his dad, and since then, things have been hard for him and his brother and mother.

His Dad Is Gone

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Tanner’s dad, Sam Brownlee, was only 43 years old when he passed away in 2010 at work.

What’s Left Of Him


Tanner was given some of his father’s possessions like a motorcycle jacket, which didn’t fit him.

Up For Bidding

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

After 5 years, Tanner found out that his father’s squad car, a Dodge Charger, was being auctioned off.

They Saved Up


Since Tanner had recently become old enough to drive, he and his younger brother, Chase, tried to raise some money to buy the car by starting a GoFundMe. They managed to get $3,340, hoping that it would be enough.

He Got Outbid


Tanner, Chase, and their mom went to the auction and tried bidding for the car, but sadly someone else outbid him to the point where he couldn’t compete anymore.

Unexpected Turn Of Events

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

At the end of the bidding, the auctioneer handed the winning bidder the keys to the car, but everyone was shocked when the winner turned to the crowd and explained that he knew how much the car meant to Tanner and handed the keys out to him.

An Emotional Moment

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Tanner reached out for the keys while trying to hold back his tears then he stood up and hugged the winning bidder.

Making An Impact


Tanner drove his family back home using his late dad’s car while the winning bid for the car, which was for $60,000, ended up going to charity. The winning bidder said he was happy to make the world just a little bit better.

Watch how Tanner got his late dad’s car in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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