Two Ex-Performer Beluga Whales Get Set Free And Swim In Ocean For The First Time In Years

Many of us would agree that animals make great entertainers, but a life dedicated to providing entertainment is no life for an animal. Luckily, two beluga whales who were entertainers recently got released and are now enjoying life in the ocean where they belong.

Meet Little Grey and Little White

The sisters both 11-years-old and are oh-so-adorable!

They Spent 7 Years of Their Life Performing

Sadly, the two belugas were held captive in China. For more than half of their life, they’ve performed religiously at the Changfeng Ocean World in Shanghai.

Thanks to a British Charity, the Whales Are Going to Have a New Life

Fortunately, in 2019, the whales were rescued by a non-profit called Sea Life Trust. They were then transported a grand total of 6,000 miles from China all the way to Iceland, where they arrived at the world’s first retirement home for ex-performing oceanic animals.

For About A Year, the Duo Were Cared for in Special Pools

Little Grey and Little White temporarily stayed in pools located on Heimaey Island.

Then on August 8, the Two Whales Were Released into an Open-Water Area of the Sanctuary

Both belugas got the opportunity to swim in the ocean for the first time in 11 years when Sea Life Trust transitioned them into an open-water section of their beluga sanctuary.

Since Their Transition, Their Personalities are Blossoming More Than Ever Before

Little Grey is playful, mischievous, and is one curious girl.

As for Little White, she can be shy but still enjoys playtime and is very lovable with her caretakers.

Sea Life Trust Wants to Make Sure Little Grey and Little White Acclimate to Their Environment

“We’re absolutely delighted to be able to share the news that Little Grey and Little White are now in their bayside care pool and will need a short period of time to acclimatize to their new natural environment and all the outdoor elements…” Head of Sea Life Trust, Andy Bool, said.

…Then They’ll Be Released into Klettsvik Bay!

This is the ultimate end-goal of Sea Life Trust’s plan for these two rescue whales.

So Far, the Plan for Release is Going Smoothly

Although, it’s critical that Little Grey and Little White are still under the care of a group of professionals until the big day.

“Following extensive planning and rehearsals, the first stage of their release back to the ocean was as smooth as we had hoped and planned for. We are carefully monitoring Little Grey and Little White with our expert care team and veterinarians,” Bool said.

The beluga pair deserve this new life!


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