Man Takes Senior Dog To The Beach Using Bed On Wheels

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Pets are so important to many of us, and it brings a lot of people comfort to see a dog owner show his love for his best friend.

Short-Lived Moments


No matter how hard we try to keep our furry friends with us forever, aging comes in fast, and all we’re left to do is make their final days memorable.

Meet Cocoa

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A 16-year old Retriever named Cocoa had the best days of her life before she said goodbye to her owner.

Her Favorite Place


Cocoa loved going to the beach, but it became harder as she began to have difficulty walking as she grew older.

Tom’s Idea

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Tom Antonio and his wife devised a plan to help Cocoa enjoy her last days. He explained in an interview with WTKR News, “My wife and I, we came up with a way to, with a mechanics creeper and stuff like that to take her (Cocoa) for walks. We had a rope and a bed, and we’d bring her out.”

Going Everywhere Together

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Although she couldn’t walk anymore, Cocoa got to see all her favorite sights, watch sunsets at the Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach, and go to the dog park. Thanks to her bed on wheels.

People Noticed Them

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Tom and Cocoa’s picture of their trip to the beach together made the rounds on social media and touched a lot of people.

Strong Bond With Pets

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Tom does not have Facebook so he didn’t know how much people loved the sight of him and Cocoa. His brother-in-law told him the news to which he responded, “It hit a chord with people, that the bond we have with our dogs and our pets, it’s strong.”

Memories To Cherish

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Although Cocoa is gone now, her beautiful moments with Tom will always be in his heart and they will surely be treasured forever.

Watch Tom and Cocoa’s touching story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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