Bear Best Friends Who Spent 20 Years In Separate Cages Get Reunited

The day that would turn their lives around was filled with excitement and a bit of nervousness for everyone.

Meet Buzz And Armstrong

Buzz and Armstrong, two moon bears that lived next to each other for more than 20 years, were both kept in cramped, dim cages in their previous home.

Saving Them

The team at Animals Asia worked tirelessly to give them the freedom they deserved.

Big Surprise

Now, they were getting Buzz and Armstrong ready for a taste of true freedom, something they hadn’t had in years.


The rescuers slowly opened the door between their dens, and the moment they saw each other for the first time in a while, it was like watching two long-lost friends reunite.

Hi, Bestie!

Buzz and Armstrong knew each other right away, and their reaction was pure happiness. Their bond was obvious from the first nuzzle as they walked towards each other.

New Friend

Apollo was then added to the group by the rescuers. Armstrong let Buzz go in first. However, Apollo wasn’t quite ready to become friends with Armstrong, so she gave her a warning to stay away for now.

Bonding Time

It was amazing to watch Buzz and Armstrong play for hours on end, making up for all the time they had lost. Armstrong followed Buzz around like a shadow, demonstrating the depth of their relationship.

Best Friends Forever

This heartwarming story of the two bears serves as a poignant reminder of the depth of feeling and potential for friendship that animals have. They are more than just two bears as they continue to enjoy their newfound freedom; they are a representation of hope and the strength of second chances.

Watch Buzz and Armstrong’s reaction when they finally reunited in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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