Two Bears Are Set Free From Flooded Cage After 10 Years

Facebook, International Animal Rescue; YouTube, International Animal Rescue IAR

There may be times when we think we’re stuck in a bad situation forever because of how bad it looks, but we cannot lose hope for our moment of freedom may just be around the corner.

Meet Misha And Dasha

YouTube, International Animal Rescue IAR

Misha and Dasha are two bears who were stuck in a tiny cage in a restaurant in Armenia for 10 years.

Awful Situation

Facebook, International Animal Rescue

They served as tourist attractions and spent their days pacing back and forth and banging their heads against the cage or climbing the bars to relieve boredom.

It’s Flooded

Facebook, International Animal Rescue

To add insult to injury, the cage was situated right on a riverbank, and it often flooded. Sometimes, the water would rise so high the poor bears almost drowned.

The Time Has Come

YouTube, International Animal Rescue IAR

The International Animal Rescue (IAR) tried to save these two bears for years until they, along with the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC), convinced the restaurant owners to release the bears to their care in November 2017.

Natural Habitat

YouTube, International Animal Rescue IAR

The rescue team cut through the metal cage’s bars and set the two bears free. They sedated them and brought them to their mountainside sanctuary, where they can roam around and follow their natural instincts.

Badly-Needed Sleep


Soon after arriving at the sanctuary, Misha and Dasha went into a cave to hibernate for winter until the spring of 2018.

New Members Of The Family

YouTube, International Animal Rescue IAR

When they emerged from the cave, the caretakers were surprised to see two happy and healthy cubs Dasha had given birth to.

Extra Care


The rescuers didn’t know that Dasha was pregnant when she went to hibernate, but now they’re giving her all the love and care she and her babies need.

Watch how Misha and Dasha got the freedom they longed for in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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