Animal Rescuers Help Abandoned Baby Cow Walk Again

After being rescued, he was granted a second chance at life, which he is forever grateful for.

Meet Stefano

Stefano is a poor baby cow who was found, rescued, and rehabilitated by animal rescuers who did everything they could to give him a chance to live a much better life outside his former “home”.

Abandoned Farm

The Fundacion Santuario Gaia’s sanctuary heard the news about an abandoned farm nearby, so the rescuers immediately rushed to the area to check out if they could save some of the animals left behind.

Dire Situation

Upon their arrival, they were shocked to find out that the farm was filled with all sorts of trash and there were several animals left behind by the owner with no food or water.

Animal Count

In total, the rescuers found a goose, two sheep, two goats, and a cow named Stefano who needed help badly and immediately.

His Condition

Stefano was in terrible shape and couldn’t even stand up due to his injury on his tendons. His three remaining legs also couldn’t fully support his weight, which was why he couldn’t stand and walk.

Saving Stefano

The rescuers put his limb in a cast. At first, he was really scared and refused to trust the people around him.

His Progress

The rescuers gradually stretched Stefano’s joints to help his tendon relax so he could walk again, and because of the undying efforts of his rescuers, and with continued medication, Stefano got better and was up and running in no time.

Lovable Cow

Eventually, he started interacting with humans and other animals. As it turns out, he was actually a really affectionate baby cow who was immensely thankful for his rescuers.

New Home, New Life

He even made a cow friend named Valentin. They hit it off right away and began spending time together, including eating. “It is super beautiful because he is very tender, he is very tender, I don’t know, he transmits it. I have a very very nice bond with him,” said the rescuer who now takes care of Stefano.

Watch how Stefano’s life turned around after being found by big-hearted rescuers in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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