Lovable Baby Rhino Loves Lying On Rescuer’s Lap

YouTube, The Dodo

Our wildlife has recently been struggling to thrive because of both natural calamities and abuse from us humans.

A Threat To Wildlife


Poaching is considered the biggest threat to our wildlife. It has developed into a flourishing black market business that generates $5 to $23 billion a year.

Protecting The Animals


Animal advocates all over the world have been intensifying their measures in protecting wildlife by establishing organizations, foundations, and sanctuaries for them.

The Rhino Orphanage


The Rhino Orphanage in Limpopo Province, South Africa, is an example of a wildlife conservation organization that rescues and fosters rhinoceroses in the region, especially orphaned rhinos due to poaching.

What They Do


They take the orphaned baby rhinos in to help them recover from physical, emotional, and mental trauma until they are old enough to be released into a protected and controlled area.

Meet Jaime

YouTube, The Dodo

Jaime Traynor is a veterinary student and a volunteer at The Rhino Orphanage.

Her Best Friend

YouTube, The Dodo

She has formed great bonds with the rhinos in the orphanage, most especially with a baby rhino they recently rescued named Jamila.

Her Story


Jamila didn’t have her front horn anymore when she was found and she had a big wound at her side, which they said was caused by a machete by the poachers when she was trying to protect her mother.

Their Bond

YouTube, The Dodo

Jamila had formed a connection with Jaime. She loves lying down on the rescuer’s lap. Whenever Jamie would come near her, she would bump her head onto her legs to ask for some pets or belly rubs.

Another Friend

YouTube, The Dodo

As Jamila was still a small rhino, she spent more time with humans at the orphanage, but she’s also friends with Mewie, Jaime’s cat, who would sometimes babysit her too when Jaime’s in the orphanage.

Watch Jaime and Jamila’s wonderful friendship inside The Rhino Orphanage in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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