Lonely Baby Donkey Gets Adopted By A Loving Mare At The Sanctuary

YouTube, The Dodo

We all long for a mother’s love. They are the first ones we seek when we’re in a frightening situation, and they never fail to comfort us during times of distress.

Meet Ben

YouTube, The Dodo

Ben is a lonely baby donkey at The Donkey Sanctuary who’s looking for someone to take care of him.

A Safe Place For Donkeys


The Donkey Sanctuary is an organization that gives shelter and care to over 7000 donkeys in the UK.

His Story


Ben’s mom was already pregnant with him when she got to the sanctuary. However, she rejected and abandoned him the moment he was born.

Poor Baby

YouTube, The Dodo

Ben emerged into the world not knowing who he is. He wasn’t even able to suckle on his mother as she already left him on his first day of being born.

They Took Care Of Him

YouTube, The Dodo

The staff at the sanctuary saw Ben’s situation so they bottle-fed him throughout the night by doing shifts. They also started training him to move around and mingle with other donkeys on his third day.

Meet Jingles

YouTube, The Dodo

Apparently, their caring hands weren’t enough, and Ben still needed the love that comes from a mother, so they introduced him to Jingles, a mare who’s also longing to take care of a foal.

Their First Meet

YouTube, The Dodo

It took Ben about four to five hours before he got used to Jingles. After a series of running away, he eventually learned to trust her and be comfortable around her.

Mom And Son

YouTube, The Dodo

Jingles took good care of Ben. She was protective of him. Ben finally got to experience how it feels like to have a mom, and Jingles was also able to remember how to be a mother to a foal.

A Year Later

YouTube, The Dodo

After one year, Ben has already grown into a confident and independent donkey. He’s made a lot of friends, and although he doesn’t need that much attention from Jingles anymore, she still makes sure to look after him wherever he goes and whatever he does.

Watch how Ben’s life turned around after meeting Jingles in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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