Baby Elephant With Blue Eyes Gets Accustomed To Her New Home

Elephants are the largest land mammals. They have uniquely massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks, which make them special, but this lovable baby elephant is EXTRA special because of her eyes and her moving story.

Rescuing Elephants

The HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development) TRUST has been caring for elephants affected by negative interactions with humans for 24 years. In 2019, they built the HERD Orphanage to help abandoned young elephants find a home for rehabilitation and get introduced to an existing elephant family.

Their Commitment

They are committed to helping local communities through education and development and spreading awareness about elephant protection. They also connect with a global audience online to educate more people about elephants like Khanyisa.

Meet Khanyisa

Khanyisa is a rare albino elephant calf with astonishingly beautiful blue eyes.

Her Story

In January 2020, she was found stuck in a snare with severe injuries that showed that she had been struggling to free herself for a few days.

A Surrogate Mother

Khanyisa was alone when she was found so when the HERD introduced her to Lammie, a loyal companion sheep, it helped her to quickly get settled in at the sanctuary.

Hard Time

During her first days at the sanctuary, Khanyisa’s rescuers were having a hard time feeding her because of her mouth injuries. But eventually, they found the right angles to help her drink successfully.

Introducing Her To The Elephants

The rescue team, along with wildlife veterinarian Dr. Peter Rogers, worked hard for three months to treat and heal Khanyisa’s wounds. When she was finally fully healed, they began integrating her into the herd.

Getting Social

Khanyisa has been continuously improving since her rescue. Her wounds have started to heal and she’s been forming deep bonds with the herd. When she was little, she would usually spend her days in the wild reserve with the elephants, and return to the homestead with the herd at night.

Now, Khanyisa has already been released with her herd.

Watch how Khanyisa transitioned from being a lonely orphaned baby elephant to an active member of her own herd in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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