Talented 15-Year-Old Gets Surprised By Army Dad During American Idol Audition

Good dads are heroes their kids look up to, and it’s one of the greatest pride any parent could have.

Meet Kaylin

Kaylin Hedges is a 15-year-old singer from Westchester who has big dreams at such a young age.

Shooting Her Shot

She joined American Idol and she sang “I’m Already There” by Lonestar, a song she dedicates to her dad.

Her Biggest Inspiration

During her interview with the judges, she was asked by judge Katy Perry who her biggest inspiration is, and she said it was her dad, Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey Hedges who was stationed miles away in Hawaii.

Soulful Performance

When she started singing, you could hear and feel the genuineness in her powerful voice. It’s evident in every note and lyric how she misses her dad so much.

They Were Impressed

Kaylin earned a standing ovation from all three judges, but the story doesn’t end there.

A Special Video

Judge Katy Perry pulled out an iPad and showed her a special video message from her dad, and Kaylin got emotional watching it. Little did she know that her dad was in the room at that very moment as well.

The Big Surprise

After watching the video message, the judges told her to turn around, and that’s when she saw her dad. They shared a sweet hug to express how much they missed each other.

Complete Family

Kaylin then called her mom, who had no idea as well about the surprise. Everyone in the room was moved by the sweet reunion of the family.

Another Surprise

And for the judges’ verdict, they presented her with something more special than a golden ticket – a PLATINUM ticket. What a big day for Kaylin!

Watch how Kaylin got reunited with her dad during her successful American Idol audition in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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