Husband With Alzheimer’s Forgets He’s Married And Asks Wife To Marry Him Again

YouTube, CBS Evening News

True love does not always look like what we see in the movies. More often than not, a beautiful love story is composed of ups and downs, and sometimes, even forgetting and remembering again.

Meet The Marshalls

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Peter and Lisa Marshall have their own love story that went through a lot of things. One of which was Alzheimer’s.

Peter’s Condition


Peter was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 53. Since then, he has started forgetting about a lot of wonderful things in his life, and about the people who surround him, including Lisa.

A Caring Wife

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Since he got diagnosed, his wife, Lisa, stood by him as he slowly forgot about their 20-year-long marriage. Lisa told CBS Evening News, “It’s the saddest part. Because, you wanna reminisce, and you’re alone in the memory.”

He Forgot About Her


After a few years, Peter began to not only forget the memories he and Lisa shared, he even started forgetting who she was. It seemed like he only saw her as someone who takes care of him because he’s sick.

But Love Grew Again

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Despite losing his memories, Peter became attracted to the woman he no longer recognized as his wife. Peter had no idea that she has been his wife for two decades already so he began courting Lisa all over again, like they were just getting to know each other.

They Remarried

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One day, while watching a wedding scene on TV, Peter suddenly said to Lisa while pointing at the TV, “let’s do it,” and so Lisa agreed to marry Peter for the second time around.

A Magical Moment

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Their second wedding was a moment of genuine love and joy, and it helped Lisa to process her grief with her husband’s condition. She said, “I can’t even tell you how magical it was. He was so present, and he was so happy, and it was very touching.”

Their Love Is Real


Peter has already forgotten about their second wedding by the next morning (which Lisa had anticipated), but she believes that getting to relive their wedding again is proof that their love is genuine and will definitely last forever.

Watch how Alzheimer’s made Peter forget about their marriage and ask his wife to marry him again in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Shareably

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