Brave Man Saves Little Puppy From Alligator Attack

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When faced with a life-threatening emergency, sometimes bravery is the only way out.

Documenting Wildlife


In the Spring of 2020, Florida Wildlife Federation selected volunteers who live in residences that border wild habitat in Lee County to document wildlife that live and share the land with the residents.

Their Setup


Cameras were placed in the backyards and fStop Foundation has been monitoring these cameras and retrieving memory cards to upload photos every several weeks.

Wildlife Meets The Neighborhood


The project’s end goal is to create an educational video or a tool that can help educate people about living with wildlife with the intention to reduce the occurrence of conflicts.

A Backyard Incident


In one of the videos collected by the organization, a man can be seen saving a little puppy from an alligator attack.

He Fought The Alligator

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In the video, the man is retrieving the little puppy from the alligator’s mouth using his bare hands. If this is not an impressive act of heroism, I don’t know what is.

Everyone’s Okay

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According to Florida Wildlife Federation, the homeowners took the dog to the vet and the man has also been checked out, claiming that all parties involved are now healthy and okay.

Keep The Leash On


The organization encourages the residents to keep the dogs leashed and for both people and pets to avoid loitering by the edge of large retention ponds where alligators are known to reside.

Sharing The Area


Florida Wildlife Federation spoke with the homeowners after the encounter and they are still just as passionate about wildlife and still have great respect for the wildlife that share the area around their backyard.

Watch how the man risked his life to save a little puppy from an alligator attack in the video below.

>Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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