Adopted Boy Celebrates His Birthday For The First Time

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Appreciation is usually the only thing generous people are expecting from those they are helping and this precious young man has a wonderful reaction on his birthday.

Meet Joe And Jamie

Instagram, jamie.n.walker

Joe and Jamie Walker are a couple with big hearts who adopted two brothers who are extremely grateful for the family they have provided for them.

Homeless Brothers

Instagram, jamie.n.walker

Abraham and James were homeless brothers from Sierra Leone. The local orphanage took them in and gave them shelter, and that’s where they met Joe and Jamie.

Successful Adoption


After the adoption papers were completed, Joe and Jamie flew with Abraham and James to their home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

It Felt Surreal

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Joe saw how excited and awed the brothers were with everything they saw and experienced upon getting home. He said, “Everything is magic to them,” as the two boys were amazed even by a simple carwash.

Abraham’s Birthday


On May 20, the family surprised Abraham on his 12th birthday, and it was extra special because the boy has never celebrated his birthday. He didn’t even know when his birthday was.

His Touching Reaction

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When Jamie walked in with an orange cake full of candles, instead of blowing the cake, Abraham ran toward Joe and Jamie and hugged them as tears ran down his cheeks.

Make A Wish

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Abraham then blew out the candles and ran again to his father and hugged him once more. As it was his first time having a birthday cake, he didn’t know that he was supposed to make a wish before blowing out the candles.

A “Blessing” Cake

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Abraham’s heart was so full that day. He said, “When I see the cake, I thought that is the most (beautiful) thing I’ve ever seen. It’s not just a birthday cake. It’s a blessing cake.”

Watch Abraham’s heartwarming reaction when he saw his birthday cake in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Shareably

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