Charming Golden Retriever Admires His Toys In An Adorable Way

This playful doggo’s way of admiring his toys is a beautiful reminder of mindfulness and gratitude.

Meet Teddy

Teddy is a playful 4-year-old Golden Retriever who makes his owner Jonathan’s life more colorful with his quirky antics.

Morning Routine

Teddy and Jonathan have a morning ritual wherein after their walk, Teddy would select a toy from his vast collection.

He’s Happy With Them

However, instead of immediately playing with his toys, Teddy would sit and stare at his chosen stuffed toy and revel in its “beauty” in appreciation.

A Unique Reaction

Teddy’s behavior is far from the typical dog-toy interaction. He has a deeper appreciation of the things he has and he’s probably grateful, even, for having the luxury of being able to choose today’s favorite every single day.

People Love Him

Jonathan has lovingly captured and shared Teddy’s reaction to his toys with the world on their Instagram account, AGuyandAGolden, which has already amassed a following of 3.6 million people.

Their Content

Their videos showcase a variety of loving moments between Teddy and his toys, each with him giving his chosen toy the kind of attention and adoration one only sees in people in love.

Appreciative Dog

Teddy’s story speaks to so many people because a lot of us understand that love and compassion can be felt by anyone. His actions serve as a reminder to cherish the small things in life and the basic pleasures in a world that frequently moves too fast.

He Features Other Dogs Too

Jonathan also creates content about other dogs. Each week, he picks up a shelter dog from the PAWS Shelter in Anderson County, South Carolina to take them out and spend time with them. His goal is to educate their millions of followers about other equally amazing dogs in need of a forever home.

Watch Teddy and Jonathan’s story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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