Abandoned Pup Waits Helplessly In His Kennel On The Side Of The Road

Facebook, Richard Jordan

Pets are like children – when you decide to bring one into your life, it instantly becomes a lifelong commitment.

Unconditional Love


Dogs are probably one of the most lovable beings in the world. They learn to love you for who you are, and even if you push them away they will always love you.

Someone Got Overwhelmed

Facebook, Richard Jordan

Somebody realized that being a dog owner was a little too much so they took their German Shepherd, drove out to the middle of nowhere, and ditched the poor boy on the side of the road, alongside his crate.

Something Caught His Attention


A resident named Richard Jordan found the abandoned pup when he was driving through a Louisiana road.

Scared And Helpless

Facebook, Richard Jordan

The first thing he saw was the kennel, but when he stopped and got out of his car, he spotted the German Shepherd afraid in the back of his crate.

An Attempt To Rescue


Richard slowly walked towards the crate. The pup seemed to be hesitant and refused to move out of his crate.

Meeting Borel

Facebook, Richard Jordan

After calling the local animal services and a few more tries to gain the dog’s trust, Richard managed to get closer and saw a personalized collar that said that the dog’s name was “Borel”.

Tracking His Origin

Facebook, Richard Jordan

The animal services arrived and found out that Borel was actually microchipped, and he came from a Dallas area breeder.

A New Life For Borel

Facebook, Richard Jordan

After all, when Borel’s story spread, there came a long list of people waiting to adopt him, and we hope that he soon finds a forever home that will love and care for him.

Source: Animal Channel

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