95-Year-Old Man Bikes For Two Hours Every Day To Visit Wife In Hospice

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We express love in different ways, and this old man shows his commitment to his wife by pedaling miles and miles every day just to see her.

Everlasting Love


Old couples who are still madly in love with each other are proof that true and everlasting love exists.

Meet Peter

Reddit, kleutscher

Peter Burkhardt is a 95-year-old man from the Netherlands who has a daily routine of biking – but it’s not just a form of exercise for his health, but he does it to see his wife.

Their Situation


His wife of 63 years is under hospice care in Apeldoorn that’s one hour away from where he lives.

His Sweet Ride

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Every single day, Peter gets on his tri-wheeled cycler and pedals 10.5 miles just so he can spend time with his wife.

For Protection


When it is cold, Peter has his skiing equipment to shield him from the weather.

Taking A Ride


When the weather is harsher Peter takes a cab, and sometimes, if his children are available, they give him a ride to the facility.

Whatever It Takes


Peter’s reason for doing the tiresome routine every day is none other than his love for his wife. He told De Stentor, a Dutch news outlet, “I just can’t miss her. I did it by car for a while. But even then I alternated it with the bike.”

Effective Bike Lanes

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Peter has been doing this for seven years now. Before, he would drive to his wife, but his license was not approved. He also doesn’t have a car, and gas can be a bit expensive nowadays, so he thought of using a tricycle instead. Good thing, the bike lanes in the Netherlands are well-planned and efficient, making his trip a little better.

Source: Spotlight

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