Abandoned Dog With 9 Newborn Pups Get Rescued From Church Parking Lot

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Pregnancy is already tough, but giving birth and raising your newborns in an isolated place is a complete challenge.

Meet Dory

Facebook, KTXS Television

Dory is a Boxer mix who went through a difficult time after giving birth.

An Isolated Place

Facebook, Paw Angel Animal Rescue

She was found nursing her newborn puppies in the middle of a church parking lot.

Paw Angel To The Rescue

Facebook, KTXS Television

After learning about the mama dog’s situation, the Paw Angel Animal Rescue immediately came to save Dory and her babies.

Giving Them First Aid


Dory’s medical examinations showed that she was in a lot of pain due to her wounds, so the rescuers decided to send her to vet care.

One Angel Had To Be Let Go


Unfortunately, one of Dory’s babies named Peach was found out to have a throat tumor so she had to be euthanized.

The Rest Of The Puppies Are Stable

Facebook, Paw Angel Animal Rescue

At first, one of the smaller babies had to be tubed and given Pedialyte because she was extremely dehydrated and fragile, but now, all eight of Dory’s puppies are well and healthy.

Funding Dory’s Family


Paw Angel Animal Rescue has spent $2,500 so far for Dory’s family’s care, vets, food, kenneling, and vaccinations, so people chipped in and raised more than $1,960 to help.

Their Right To Live


We do not know for sure who left Dory and her babies in the parking lot, but according to humansociety.org, “Prosecutors in some states have the option to charge an egregious case of animal neglect as a felony when the neglect was considered to have fallen under the definition of ‘torture’ or was considered intentional.”

Watch how kind-hearted rescuers saved Dory and her babies from their demise in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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