9 Firefighter Buddies Become Dads At The Same Time

Facebook, Rancho Cucamonga Fire District

Some work friendships go beyond shifts. Once you’ve made great friends at work, it’s hard not to get involved in each other’s lives.

Solid Buddies


It’s undeniable that firefighters have a crucial job, and it’s important that they build good relationships and trust with one another as it can be really helpful in and outside of their work.

Brotherhood Of Firefighters


The Rancho Cucamonga Fire District in California has firefighters whose families are almost in sync with one another.

Welcome To The Real World

Facebook, Rancho Cucamonga Fire District

The fire department welcomed nine adorable babies and it’s the cutest thing ever!

Born In The Same Year


The entire batch of firefighting babies were all born in a span of just four months with only days or weeks apart from one another.

It Was Unplanned

Facebook, Rancho Cucamonga Fire District

According to the station’s spokesperson, Gabrielle Costello, it was just a coincidence. She said, “It was not planned. It was just a coincidence, but everybody’s happy it worked out so we could all experience this together.”

The Moms’ Suggestion


The fathers learned about the pregnancies one after the other, and when they realized what they have, the mothers suggested that they celebrate the births with a firefighter-themed photoshoot.

It Went Well

YouTube, Inside Edition

Gabrielle said, “We were all curious as to how it (the photo shoot) would go because there’s naps and feedings and diapers, but, surprisingly, it went really well. The babies only had a few breakdowns and a few spit-ups. But it actually turned out good and we were all really happy.”

Future Plans

Facebook, Rancho Cucamonga Fire District

With the close proximity of their birthdays, there’s a high chance they’ll celebrate most of them together, also, there’s no doubt these children will become playmates, classmates, and lifelong friends in the future.

Check out the news about the firefighter-themed photo shoot of the Californian fire department’s firemen’s babies in the video below.

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