Kind Volunteers Help Fix 82-Year-Old Woman’s Roof

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

It’s heart-melting to witness different kinds of people unite for a good cause.

Meet Louise

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Louise Saindon is an 82-year-old woman who has lived in her house in the little town of Sloan’s Lake for 77 years.

Her Childhood Home

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Louise has been living in her current house since she was 5 years old.

Fast-Changing World

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Throughout the years, Louise’s community has changed a lot, and because of her house’s old age, it has started to become less livable, but it’s a good thing that many people in the neighborhood have great relationships with Louise.

Monitoring Louise

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Marsha Cannady, one of Louise’s good neighbors, noticed that the old woman’s house needed some fixing. She said, “For years, I’ve just been seeing her house over here every time it snows, and the first thing I do is make sure her roof is still standing…”

People Volunteered


More people heard about Louise’s story and decided to pitch in to help her get her roof fixed. Even the company, Expert Exteriors, decided to take her on as a client for free.

Giving Their Time

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Chris Acevedo, one of 24 Expert Exteriors employees, explained why he was moved to help the old woman. He said, “We are giving back and I actually want to be part of this, so I want to take part of my time, my personal time, to make sure they get a roof.”

Extra Mile


Aside from getting her roof and gutters fixed, the kind volunteers also pulled weeds out of Louise’s front lawn.

Her Grateful Heart


Louise Saindon was touched by her neighbor’s kindness. She told Marsha, “They’re helping me make new memories, and I love that.”

More Renovations


People are now eager to help Louise restore her home to its original beauty by renovating her beloved porch as well. Expert Exteriors are looking for someone who can help restore it and many people have become dedicated to helping Louise restore the house she loves so much.

Watch how different people stepped in to help Louise fix her home in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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