Senior Woman Meets Her Sister After 73 Years

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Family is the basic unit of society. Without it, it’s hard for a person to feel complete.

Unwanted Pregnancy


When you’re just a teenager, it’s hard to figure out what to do when you get pregnant unexpectedly. When this happens, two things come to mind: abortion or adoption.

Giving Harriet Up


76 years ago, an 18-year-old couple had a baby, and after considering their options, they decided to give their daughter, Harriet, up.

Linda Came Into Their Lives

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

Three years later, another baby girl was born. Her name is Linda, and she grew up in her birth parents’ home in Lakewood, Colorado without knowing that she had a long-lost sister who lives in California.

They Got Curious


The sisters only found out about each other when they both signed up for They were both curious if they had relatives around the world, so they took the DNA test which revealed that they were a 100% match.

They Got Connected


After knowing about each other, Harriet and Linda started talking on the phone every day. While the pandemic didn’t let them meet in person right away, just before Christmas, the two of them decided it was time to arrange the flight.

She Prepared Her Room


Linda prepared a special room just for Harriet, and she even decorated it with beautiful Christmas decors.

The Big Day

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

On a Tuesday in December, Harriet’s flight arrived in Lakewood, where her younger sister, Linda, was waiting for her.

Making Up For Lost Time

YouTube, Denver7 – The Denver Channel

When they met, they immediately recognized each other, and they hugged tight. The newly-found sisters said that they are not focusing on all the years they missed without knowing each other, but on the time they have left together.

Watch Linda and Harriet’s inspiring story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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