70-Year-Old Woman Holds Hands With Aggressive Man On Train To Calm Him Down

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This story will surely make us respond differently to uncomfortable situations we may be in in the future.

A Disturbing Train Scenario


In February 2016, Ehab Taha was riding the SkyTrain in Vancouver, Canada when a tall man got on-board and started acting erratically which caused almost all of the passengers to be afraid and move away from him.

His Unseen Struggles


The man appeared to have psychological issues or be under the influence. He was shouting, cursing, and erratically moving around, scaring people nearby.

But One Woman Responded Differently

YouTube Screenshot, CTV News

Instead of moving back, a 70-year-old woman reached out her hand to the man and held hands with him until he calmed down.

“Thanks, Grandma”

YouTube Screenshot, CTV News

They quietly held hands for about 20 minutes until the man reached his stop. He casually got up, said “thanks, grandma” to the old woman, and walked out of the train.

The Heart Of A Mother


“I spoke to the woman after this incident and she simply said, ‘I’m a mother and he needed someone to touch.’ And she started to cry,” says Ehab.

A Moment To Remember

YouTube Screenshot, CTV News

Ehab couldn’t help but capture the touching event and share the story on Facebook.

His Take-Away

YouTube Screenshot, CTV News

Ehab wrote, “Don’t fear or judge the stranger on the bus: life does not provide equal welfare for all its residents” as he tells of the lesson he’s learned from the event.

She’s A Life-Saver

YouTube Comment Screenshot, CTV News

People on the internet admire the old woman’s simple act of compassion, and this story most definitely restored people’s faith in humanity once again.

Watch Ehab’s testimony about his life-changing train experience in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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