7-Year-Old Swims 1 Mile To Shore To Save Dad And Younger Sister

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Accidents can happen any time and anywhere, so it is important to always be prepared in case your survival instincts and skills might be needed.

Meet The Pousts

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Steven Poust and his 7-year-old son Chase and 4-year-old daughter Abegail got caught in an extremely worrying situation when they had to make tough decisions to survive.

Fishing Trip


The Poust family went on a fishing trip on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida, on a Friday evening.

Unexpected Situation


They were having a great time doing their routine on the boat when they suddenly got caught in a strong current.

Saving Abegail


The current was so strong that Abigail was forced to let go of the boat. Seeing this, Chase let go too and managed to catch hold of his little sis.

Tough Call

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Steven realized what was happening so he dived into the water and tried to save his kids but the current was so strong that he couldn’t take control of the situation so he made the difficult decision to ask Chase to swim back to shore and get help.

Frightening Moments

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Chase swam the 1-mile journey to shore while Steven tried to retrieve Abigail, who had drifted away from him in the current. Fortunately, the 4-year-old was wearing a floatation device.

Getting Help

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Chase successfully made the 1-hour swim by switching between doggie paddling and floating on his back. Once he stepped on land, he rushed to the nearest house he could find, knocked on the door, and explained what had happened to them.

Everyone’s Safe

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Florida Fish and Wildlife, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department, and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office found both Steven and Abegail within an hour, and they were luckily both okay, thanks to Chase’s heroic act of bravery.

Watch the breathtaking story of how 7-year-old Chase saved his family’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Shareably

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