5-Year-Old Boy Hikes The Appalachian Trail

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Being a kid doesn’t always have to be about going to the park and playing in the neighborhood. It can also be enjoyed by going up into the mountains.

Meet Harvey

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5-year-old Harvey Sutton, also known as the trail name “Little Man,” did something not every 5-year-old gets to do.

A Challenging Trail


Only a few people got to finish “the world’s longest hiking-only footpath,” coming in at 2,193 miles, which is the Appalachian Trail.

A Family Activity

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Harvey spent a few months trekking along the Appalachian Trail with his parents Josh and Cassie Sutton.



Dr. Laura Blaisdell, a pediatrician, and adviser to the American Camp Association, told The Associated Press that as long as parents keep their kids’ limitations in mind, a hike this challenging can be safely organized for them.

Series Of Adventure

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Harvey was only 2 years old when his parents started tagging him along on their hikes. Together, they met fellow hikers and went through some snowstorms and scorching hot days in the mountains.

Keeping Him Busy

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During their hike, they met another hiker named Karl Donus Sakas, also known as the “Sugar Man,” who completed the leg from Pennsylvania to Maine with them. They asked him to hide little surprises along the trail and create treasure maps to keep Harvey entertained.

Oldest And Youngest

Facebook, Appalachian Trail Museum

Since Harvey is the youngest to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail, he had his photo taken with the oldest hiker to make the journey. The Appalachian Trail Museum posted on Aug. 10, “This is Nimblewill Nomad & Little Man at the Appalachian Trail Lodge in Millinocket, Maine. NN will shortly become the oldest known person to thru-hike the A.T. and Little Man the youngest.”

“Hardships Make Us Stronger”

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Dale “Greybeard” Sanders, who completed the hike in 2017 at the age of 82, said, “It’s going to change his (Harvey’s) life forever, and his parents’ life, too. The kid went through some hardships, but don’t we all? Hardships make us stronger. That kid is going to smile through life.”

Watch “Little Man’s” inspiring story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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