3D-Printed Ultrasound Gives Mom Who Is Blind The Opportunity To ‘See’ Her Unborn Child

Thanks to modern-day technology, we’re able to accommodate people with disabilities and medical setbacks in ways we’ve never been able to before. Expecting mother, Taylor Ellis from Cockeysville, Maryland, was one of those people.

Taylor Was Born with Glaucoma


Due to this diagnosis, while 26-year-old Taylor can see a little, she is visually impaired.

She Was Thrilled When She Found Out She Was Expecting


Such exciting news!

But During an Ultrasound, She Was Bummed That She Couldn’t See Her Baby


Taylor couldn’t help but wish she could see her sweet baby during her 20-week scan as all expecting mothers would want.

Her Other Two Pregnancies Were Different


“My sight wasn’t as bad with my first two children, so I could see the 2D ultrasound,” Taylor admitted. “I always thought about what my [third] baby would look like and was always saddened to know I wouldn’t have the same opportunity as seeing mothers.”

To Top it Off, Taylor’s Husband, Jeremy, is Also Visually Impaired


Imagine the disappointment the young, expecting couple felt when they couldn’t see anything on the screen during the scan of their baby.

Taylor’s Doctor Came Up With a Plan


To accommodate the husband and wife, the doctor had their unborn baby’s face three-dimensionally printed, giving them the opportunity to “see” him or her through the power of touch.

The 3D Ultrasound Meant So Much to Taylor


“I had the realization that this was my baby’s face, it was so heart-warming. I showed off my scan to my daughters and my parents on video chat,” she said.

It Was the 3D Ultrasound That Made Her Pregnancy More Exciting and Less Scary


“This pregnancy has been so scary but so exciting the whole way through, I just wanted this [moment] really really bad.”

The Couple’s Baby Was Born and is Doing Great!

The little one, who was named Rosalie, is a few months old now and is as happy and healthy as an infant can be.

What a beautiful pregnancy story!

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