Mom And Son Reunite 33 Years After He Was Placed For Adoption

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Family relationships can be quite complicated sometimes, especially with distance and other unpleasing circumstances, but at the end of the day, we always find ourselves being drawn back to one another.

Meet Melanie

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Melanie Pressley is one of those lucky moms who had the chance to reunite with the child she put up for adoption many years ago.

Her Story


She got pregnant when she was 18 but her partner at the time wanted her to terminate the pregnancy because he wasn’t ready to become a parent at a young age.

A Tough Call


Melanie was determined to keep the baby and raise him as her own at first, but she eventually realized that she really wasn’t ready to be a single mom at that age yet, so she gave the baby up for adoption after giving birth.

A Final Request

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One day after giving birth, Melanie asked a nurse to let her hold her son, but it had to be done quickly and in private. Melanie told News5Cleveland, “At that point, when I was holding him, my sister took a picture and that was the only picture that I had of him for thirty-three years.”

Greg’s Life

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Melanie’s baby was adopted by a loving family in Virginia who named him Greg. He was around 10 years old when his parents told him that he was adopted. He took it quite well and didn’t actively seek out information about his birth parents for a long time.

Until One Day

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Greg went to college, got married, and had children of his own. It was that one day when he suddenly became curious about his biological parents. He said, “My wife and I were sitting and talking one night, and I’m like, ‘I don’t know any of my medical history, genetics, you know, where I’m from.’ And there was a 23andMe promotion or something going on. And so I took the test.”

They Matched


Greg got on 23andMe and took a DNA test in 2019, while Melanie had hers in the Spring of 2021, and she got back a result right after the test which said that Gregory Vossler was a potential match for her.

They Got In Touch

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Melanie reached out to Greg and after confirming their relationship, they exchanged emails and texts for months until Greg finally drove out to Ohio to meet his biological mom.

A Beautiful Family

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The mom and son talked for 17 hours straight upon their reunion. They met each other’s relatives and they are now working on building and maintaining their relationship by visiting each other more often.

Watch how fate drew Melanie and her son, Greg, back to each other in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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