24-Year-Old Teacher Spends Life Savings To Adopt Two Brothers

YouTube, Good Morning America

Teaching can be one of the most challenging yet underappreciated jobs out there.

Meet Chelsea

Facebook, Chelsea Haley

Chelsea Haley was only 24 years old when she was teaching the fourth grade for Teach for America in Louisiana.

A Problematic Student


During that time, she met a student named Jerome Robinson who was a “problem child” and their encounters almost drove Chelsea to quit.

His Situation

YouTube, Good Morning America

However, when Chelsea decided to work more closely with Jerome and understand his side, she learned that the cause of his difficult behavior was a bad home situation.

Chelsea’s Burden


Since then, Chelsea became desperate to help Jerome and she realized what she had to do when God gave her a dream to adopt Jerome and his little brother, Jace.

She’s Now A Single Mom Of Two

YouTube, Good Morning America

By 2016, 24-year-old Chelsea had been granted full custody of Jerome and Jace, but she ended up spending all the money in her bank to see the process through.

Her Financial Situation


In her first few years of being a single mom to two boys, Chelsea lived off credit cards and deferred her student loan.

She Worked Hard


She had to take on extra tutoring jobs outside of school hours, move in with her parents, and even deliver groceries for extra earnings for 5 years until she finally paid off almost $50K of her debt.

She’s Now Debt Free

Facebook, Chelsea Haley

Now that she’s paid off all her debts, Chelsea has plans to buy a house and save up for Jerome and Jace’s college education.

It’s All Worth It

Facebook, Chelsea Haley

When Chelsea spoke to Good Morning America, she said it was all worth it. She said, “Being their mom is the greatest blessing of my life. I get to wake up in the morning and love two little guys.”

Watch how Chelsea became a heroic mom by giving up her financial freedom to adopt two boys in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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